Pseudomonas entomophila
Higher order taxa
Bacteria, Proteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Pseudomonadales, Pseudomonadaceae, Pseudomonas
Pseudomonas entomophila
NCBI: Taxonomy |
Description and significance
Pseudomonas entomophila is a Gram negative bacteria, found in soil, aquatic, or rhizosphere environments. It was first isolated from the species Drosophila melanogaster. Once ingested, causes lethality in Drosophila melanogaster larvae and adults. Pseudomonas entomophila's significance is that its the first known pathogen for Drosophila melanogaster. Pseudomonas entomophila's genome encodes insecticidal toxins, a diffusible haemolytic activity, lipases, extracellular proteases, and potential adhesions which cluster with type I or II secretion system proteins. Being relatively harmless to plant life, Pseudomonas entomophila may be used for future insecticides.
Genome structure
DNA; circular; Length: 5,888,780 nt; Replicon Type: chromosome
Cell structure and metabolism
Gram negative. Flagella present. Three proteins PSEEN0141, PSEEN2177, and PSEEN3946 involved in adhesion to host surfaces and promoting colonization.
Describe any interactions with other organisms (included eukaryotes), contributions to the environment, effect on environment, etc.
Pseudomonas entomophila's persistence within the gut initiates a local and systemic immune response in the insect. Found to be harmless for humans and plants. Virulence factor found to be lethality among Drosophila melanogaster larvae and adults, as well as other insects.
Application to Biotechnology
Pseudomonas entomophila produces three TccC-type compounds PSEEN2485, PSEEN2697, and PSEEN2788, all of which are insecticidal toxins. It also secretes a diffusible hemolytic activity which may be involved in pathogenicity in insects. Bacterial hemolysins act as exotoxins that cell rupture by attacking blood cell membranes. It also produces proteases, three serine proteases PSEEN3027, PSEEN3028, PSEEN4433 and an alkaline protease PSEEN1550. Proteases contribute to the virulence among different species.
Current Research
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PubMed=16699499; [ NCBI , Israel , Japan ]
Edited by student of Jason Kim