BIO 330 Microbiology

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Revision as of 00:59, 11 December 2023 by Tolarb (talk | contribs)

University of North Carolina Wilmington

Students at UNC Wilmington enrolled in BIO 330 Microbiology with Professor Bradley Tolar (Department of Biology and Marine Biology) were tasked with creating pages on their favorite microorganisms from Domains Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota, and some even chose viruses. Thus far, these include:

Fall 2022: 54 Students (34 Bacteria | 3 Archaea | 9 Eukaryota | 5 Virus)

Fall 2023: 43 Students (26 Bacteria | 3 Archaea | 8 Eukaryota | 5 Virus)

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All pages were curated by instructor.